Friday, May 31, 2019

The Scarlett Letter :: essays research papers

Symbolism at its best is limitless in conveying a feeling, mood, or atmoshphere that words alone move not define. It mountain trigger emotion, persuade the reader to question everything they know thus far, or inflict thoughts that, in the most twisted sense of the story, would face barely justified. Symboloism reaches out to the reader in numerous ways, but no matter what the effect, its almost always starts as something subconscious. In Nathanial Hawthorns novel, The Scarlet Letter, there is an considerable ammount of symbolism the structure and flow of progression are both held back by this element. The subtle way Hawthorn uses this is incredible he takes us to such a place where everything and everyone is suspect and subject to thorough examination, as things are not always what they count. Other times, however, they are in fact exactly what they seem usually too little too late. By the time the truth is laid outright, the truth had already been known symbolism is subconsci ous. At times when there is no truth to be uncovered, it is the world created by this world of various entities, in a matter of symbol, that lies dormant in the back of the readers head. Being richly and inescapably aware though, from a place deep inside, of the uncertanties and illusions that are not being focused on, instead only hinted at. The minds eye is where symbolism wraps its ugly tentacles of query and discretion, whether realized by the reader or not. The Scarlet Letter, demonstrates this characteristic impecibly. The scaffold where Hester stands in front of the public is symbolic of penitence and Gods judgement. Dimmesdale on the other hand, can not bring himself to stand on the platform and confess his sins, because of its comparison to judgement day. The first time he brings himself to stand upon the scaffold, seeking relief from his dark sin is under the cover of night, as if he could hide his sin from the people, or even God. In the end Dimmesdale does stand on th e scaffold in the light of day to public confess his sins. This took courage, as the platform represented weakness in the eyes of God. Across from the prison Hester was sentenced to there is a move bush the single beautiful thing in a world of sin and shame. In the book when Pearl was asked where she came from, she states that she was plucked from the rosebush.

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