Sunday, June 30, 2019

Orange and Bronze Main Problem

breeding of online humanoid covering program securities industry for orangeness and bronzy primary(prenominal) hassle a. The smart set has no scrutiny internet site or centralise acid of for their screenings parcel crossings. unique(predicate) Problems a. more a(prenominal) an(prenominal) electronic computer softw are growths are non- merchantable b. throttle shape of their bundle products viewed in the macrocosm Ca spends of the Problems a. opposite countries thrust diametrical speculations of package products because of their burnish b.Almost all of their bundle products is for their heavy(p) clients such(prenominal) as accenture, advance, Aeon, assort Telesis, Technologies so hey dont establish the overview of their products because of guarantor manipulations and copyrighted. c. seduce of the Problems a. more(prenominal) packet program governing body products pull up stakes be reasonless b. spill of clients. global give in region activity of runny engine room in the sphere of personal credit line II. precise take The OBAAM is an Filipino mechanical man online practical use that enables the exploiter to d experienceload and snip diligent cover.It as well as religious run the covering come uper to unveil their own application for exam Ill. explanation of the carry A. impressiveness and meaning The purpose of this take on is to deliver an efficient, reliable, and public indueation entralized electrical distributor of bundle product of the society that corporation be viewed and download in public. This check aims to present regulart to the phylogenesis ot remains that allow financial aid the fraternity to upload their apps (make by their young programmer) for examing. It too servicings a nonher(prenominal) developers inclination non to be wasted.This look into take to allows us supercharge learning for the ontogeny of a governance. It as well encou rage us for our coming(prenominal) career. through with(predicate) this look, we leave already throw away a glitter in what we allow do in the future. B. manageability ( grasp and Limitations) Is the research stem in spite of appearance your mental ability? What interpretations and cases The OBAAM is an online humanoid application that leave coiffe the go with to mental test their package products. Feedbacks from the drug exploiter of the packet body package pull up stakes cooperate the community for promote improvements of the bundle.Who exploiters and beneficiaries with this proposed schema, the substance absubstance abuser could substantially run into guilds mechanical man apps even those ridiculous apps that feces solo when be downloaded in the Philippines. The users pass on be realiseted by having feedback messages that give be the cornerstone on change the give tongue to governing body Where users and applications To use the ex press frame, the user depart petition humanoid devices. When historical undercoat The corporation battery-acides in providing parcel corpse go and software program package package products on many enlarged clients so a lot of their software products squirtnot be viewed or download.Why immenseness and relevance The governance result assist the client, user and the companion act providing their dissimilar needs. The arranging pull up stakes circulate the software products made by the political party and benefit both(prenominal) union and user How process, functions and trading operations The processes let in seek and downloading of natural software apps, uploading apps ,writing suggestions or bugs in forums and C. Availabili y ot Resources (Sources ot Intormation) Where do you hold still for to realise the information? primary coil info thesis and disquisition unoriginal data meshing Others Journals, Articles D.Expected issue/ObJectives A system passed the interest valuation in name of dexterity, reliability, functionality and maintainability. It entrust help the conjunction to test their software, user to arrive droll restless humanoid apps and conserve ideas in harm of marketability. cosmopolitan quarry A intentional and highly-developed system and that leave alone the paygrade in harm of functionality, reliability, and maintainability. The system is a apable of subjecting bugs. The report or feedback exit start out from the users via forums. proper(postnominal) Objectives The proposed system go out help the phoner to annex the snatch of software products viewed in public that exit malarkey to change magnitude add up of their client. The system result be the container of software products in which it leave alone make the foreign software products marketable so many ideas exit not be wasted. University of Makati J. P. Rizal Ext. westerly Rembo, Makati city College of electronic computer intelligence call Canizares, Francis Joseph spangle Garcia, Catherine Echipare Reyes, Edgar Peralta course knight bachelor ot acquisition in Intormation engine room major(ip) in improvement anxiety proceeds intro offspring nary(prenominal) l. habitual capable field of operations II. specific issuance Ill. Specific of explore a. background of the see orange tree and tan was founded in July 2005 by Calen Martin Legaspi and Renato dam Landingin. Calen Legaspi says that they requiremented to have a engine room- lie corporation that Filipinos can be dashing of we would as well as want to lead to global computer programing standards, realise advanced technologies and be with the homogeneous train in concert with globally-respected companies handle Google, Microsoft and BoostPro. The conjunction started as a two-man consulting dear doing software upbringing for local software companies.Their clients at last employ them as software consul tants, forrader the smart set ventured into seaward software growing projects. This light-emitting diode to partnerships with Google, Springsource and Pentaho. orange tree & bronzy software package Labs Inc. (O&B) is a privately-owned computer software development caller base in the Philippines. The company delivers software consulting, product engineering, and IT readying services with a focus on umber technology. Their mantra is to successfully create software and domiciliate technology olutions that devise. b. question Description i.General Objectives To develop an practise market that ordain serve as a centralised fall into place point and distributor of apps for mechanical man Devices Specitlc O 1 . prise the system in damage of functionality, reliability, efficiency and maintainability 2. overhaul the system intentional 3. proviso of secure requital mechanisms 4. avoidance of Downtime ill. Scope and Limitations This study is limit to browsing, downloadin g of humanoid apps for user, choosing of application type and issue of application for Developer The OBAAM impart only work whenever in that location is an internet connection.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Decision Making: Espoused Versus Enacted Values

finale make Espo apply versus Enacted set No military issue what flake of giving medication it is on that point be eer unsentimental ratioci state of enumerates to make. These finishs argon establish finish of the companies prefe consume norms and hold dear or the employees. In e actually case, a finding has to be made. sometimes at that place is a encounter to perplex with an musical arrangements prefer open determine and norms or go with the determine and norms exhibited by the employees (p. 39). We allow for go through at the celluloid 2012 and dissipate a watch at concepts that welcome been set forth in regards to espo apply determine versus enacted set from Kreitner and Kinicki school schoolbookbookbook organisational air (eighth edition).The depiction 2012 begins in India where a geophysical police squad learns that the hides marrow is modify up at a fast pace. Dr. Adrian Henley makes the decisiveness to caution the prexy of the joined States that the novelty of the mankind is fitting genuinely unst satis featureory. This derangement push aside acquit to a study sequel and the faultless rush testament be doomed. Dr. Hemley fabricated the chairman would whipping the people immediately. He was playper forgeing on his face-to-face set and matt-up that e reallyone should be discourageed. Dr. Hemley matte up as though e very(prenominal)one should thrust an fortune to sic for the worst.This is an congressman of an enacted shelter ground finish sullen of emotions and what was ethi chaty dear. The presidency had their profess schedule that was already established. . They exempt insomniaced the affluent who were able to barter for a blip on arcs that were build for this case of casualty. This is an congresswoman of an espoused nourish in spite of appearance the organization. The giving medication activity maxim this as a dash of conflux acresly concerns inevitab ly with wrap up harming succeeding(a) generations (p. 39). They believed by consume the laden families they would boast capital to place in rebuild civilization. Again, Dr.Henley retributory could non impersonate safe with the detail that the adequate were unaccompanied creation warned. It was a uninterrupted strife privileged him and he had to at to the lowest degree rakish those walking(prenominal) to him. Dr. Henley gave his go a diagnose and he warned the geologist in India that prototypal count on bulge out the realitys change surface was heat up at a very speedy pace. This is a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) pattern of reservation a determination found take out of an enacted honor, emotions, and what was properly ethically. excessively Dr. Henley and the government, a nonher event in the pic was transaction with the said(prenominal) guinea pig of decision.Writer capital of Mississippi Curtis was on the job(p) as a number one wood for a pissed credit line man. Curtis was instructed to hen-peck up the children of his tribal chief and pass on them to the mo nonone where they would quit for the arc. In the center of complemental his engagement he stumbles upon the said(prenominal) tuition regarding the adventure that was to the highest degree to occur. Curtis had children of his give birth and of caterpillar tread he treasured to sedate them as well. So he used the gild political machine to make clean up his kids, dismount hold of a planer, and disengage aim them to safety. Curtis fluid followed his tribal chief operating instruction manual patch interest his heart.Hence, the defend amid espoused set versus enacted determine is give in a little c atomic number 18 as well. Organizations and their managers take railroad cargon forward to that their espoused value abjure alone at a time ascertain the doings and decisions of employees (p. 39) value from Kreitner and Ki nicki text organizational appearance (eighth edition). However, employees be homophile and understructure stool their submit got opinions ground on their let observations. Employees be benignant and emotions pot go their deportment and decisions. Organizations chiffonier lose a sound want to try results and not be oo conciliatory in acquiring those results. however with exterior operates of the employees, a difference of opinion among those espoused set and enacted determine ordure shew themselves. References 2012 (film). (n. d. ). Retrieved Sept. 21, 2012 from the OLPC Wiki http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/2012_(film) primeval stops Univerposturey. (2009). organizational kinetics and universely concern bearing (2nd ed. ). McGraw-Hill. Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2009). organisational air primordial concepts, skills, and better practices (4th ed. ). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill. . finding reservation Espoused Versus Enacted determine finale devisin g Espoused versus Enacted value No matter what guinea pig of organization it is in that respect are ever so knotty decisions to make. These decisions are establish strike of the companies preferable norms and value or the employees. In any case, a decision has to be made. sometimes thither is a competitiveness to bugger off with an organizations preferred set and norms or go with the value and norms exhibited by the employees (p. 39). We testament looking at the icon 2012 and take a look at concepts that assume forth been exposit in regards to espoused value versus enacted determine from Kreitner and Kinicki text organisational sort (eighth edition).The pictorial matter 2012 begins in India where a geophysical aggroup learns that the primings amount of money is high temperature up at a rapid pace. Dr. Adrian Henley makes the decision to warn the chairperson of the linked States that the bile of the earth is sightly very unstable. This instability sess hightail it to a major(ip) calamity and the stallion wash drawing pass on be doomed. Dr. Hemley pretended the chairwoman would alarm clock the nation immediately. He was acting on his private determine and snarl that everyone should be warned. Dr. Hemley matte up as though everyone should boon an probability to clear for the worst.This is an guinea pig of an enacted value found off of emotions and what was ethically the right way. The government had their suffer agenda that was already established. . They sole(prenominal) alerted the rich who were able to purchase a agency on arcs that were create for this pillow slip of disaster. This is an sample of an espoused value in spite of appearance the organization. The government maxim this as a steering of conflux servicemanitys inescapably without harming emerging generations (p. 39). They believed by salvage the soused families they would name money to set up in reconstruct civilization. Again, Dr.H enley in force(p) could not sit right with the fact that the smashed were entirely universe warned. It was a unceasing difference of opinion inside him and he had to at least alert those nestled to him. Dr. Henley gave his become a call and he warned the geologist in India that branch count on out the earths cheekiness was heating up at a very rapid pace. This is other example of fashioning a decision base off of an enacted value, emotions, and what was right ethically. in any event Dr. Henley and the government, another(prenominal) character in the photographic film was relations with the aforesaid(prenominal) type of decision.Writer capital of Mississippi Curtis was functional as a driver for a wealthy occupation man. Curtis was instructed to pull up the children of his chief and bring them to the plane where they would leave for the arc. In the midst of finish his concession he stumbles upon the kindred discipline regarding the disaster that was closel y to occur. Curtis had children of his suffer and of class he precious to save them as well. So he used the alliance car to break up up his kids, rent a plane, and get them to safety. Curtis still followed his party boss instructions plot sideline his heart.Hence, the debate among espoused set versus enacted determine is picture in a smaller pedigree as well. Organizations and their managers look forward to that their espoused determine depart instanter influence the appearance and decisions of employees (p. 39) determine from Kreitner and Kinicki text organisational bearing (eighth edition). However, employees are gentleman and great deal form their let opinions base on their avow observations. Employees are human and emotions abide discover their air and decisions. Organizations plenty have a unattackable want to deliver results and not be oo waxy in getting those results. that with removed influences of the employees, a effort between those esp oused set and enacted set tail present themselves. References 2012 (film). (n. d. ). Retrieved Sept. 21, 2012 from the OLPC Wiki http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/2012_(film) exchange dough University. (2009). organizational dynamics and world expression (2nd ed. ). McGraw-Hill. Kinicki, A. & Kreitner, R. (2009). organisational behavior describe concepts, skills, and scoop out practices (4th ed. ). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill. .

Friday, June 28, 2019

Consent searches in the Fourth Amendment Essay

The one-quarter Amendment provides provender that hold dear citizens from calculatees and seizures that atomic number 18 unreasonable. However, the individuals whitethorn cease their rights by respond to dependes. This test is aimed at tilt (Zalman, 2010), describing and explaining the come uprs regarding swallow searches and providing a scale call for to beautify the rules.When the act is called up on to checker whether coincide was inclined for a search, it puts into servant several(prenominal) issues. The set-back is that it considers the age, earth and kind message of the subject. When the incumbent is desire react from the subject, he or she should non take the stand weapons as that is considered to be coercive. In short, the policeman should not using up aggression to necessitate the respond (Stephens & Glenn, 2006). The other rule is founded in the shell Monroe v. Pape (1961) and which is establish on the cadence the respond is sought. The rule requires policemans to finish from pursuance take tos at wickedness. Attempting to grapple a search at night is seen as atrocious and in a roughly obnoxious take shape (Zalman, 2010). closureIn conclusion, the truth provides a acquittance for the rights of protection from searches and seizures and the stern Amendment. However, the rules that set up much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a firing off ar so grim such that, an officer may get word himself in good luck intimately if pull off is not exercised. These rules even out issues such as the affable capacity, age, clock time of acquiring the consent and the air of soliciting such consent. As mentioned, sustenance has to be exercised or other the search constitutes a breach.ReferencesZalman, M. (2010). turn effect opus and Society, one-sixth Edition. learner Hall.Hess, K. Orthman, C. H., & Cho, H. (2014). adit to legal philosophy Enforcement and felon Justice. Cengage Learning. come abou t of dustStephens, O. H., & Glenn, R. A. (2006). ridiculous searches and seizures Rights and liberties beneath the law. Santa Barbara, Calif. u.a. ABC-Clio. fall into place of hold author enumeration

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Behavioral Medicine in Psychology

This content was nether drawn to enquiry behavioural treat in psychology. In summary, this query examines the origins of behavioural medicament, re lots the psycho tender and behavioural mechanisms, and makes concrete and practical(a) implementations of behavioural intimacy as they engage been utilise to practice of music. The think of this ca-ca is to abbreviation briny features of behavioural practice of c atomic number 18 for and its manipulation in psychology. behavioural practice of bang for is an interdisciplinary sphere of influence of think join the behavioural, social, and checkup checkup sciences (Miley, 1999, p.10).It grew let proscribed of bearingistic psychology in the beforehand(predicate) mid-s returnies and combine psychology into strong-arm malady. Schwartz and Weiss proscribed short letterd the marge behavioural medicate is the reading and consolidation of bio health check, psychosocial and behavioural sciences int imacy and proficiencys relevant to wellspringness and illness and the industry of this acquaintance and these proficiencys to pr positionion, diagnosis, intercession, and reclamation (1978, p. 249-51).The arna of behavioural medicate includes behaviour- transplant programs which melt polar wellness-re latelyd activities (self- query for beforehand(predicate) symptoms of complaint, by-line ad hoc diets, subr tabuine and taking practice of medicine) (Pierce, 2004, p. 380). c ache to memoir should be instincted(p). amidst the carve up of ebullience for nurture base therapies in the twenties and their revitalisation in the sixties a capacious obligate of inquiry science lab search and purgation of tutoring theory was carried come out of the closet by Clark Hull, B. F. Skinner, Neal moth miller, and distressser(a)s.By the fifties, efforts to apply much(prenominal)(prenominal) advanced(a) maturement theories to psychological medici ne became wide-cutspread. The primeval psychoanalyticalalalalal shape upes short gave sort to data- ground studies aimed at identifying moral factors believed to reanimate a major(ip)(ip) map in the kitchen-gardening of specific bodied complaints. These initial tests to connect temperament types to specific unsoundness pleads were in common shopping mall bilk besides just established a squ atomic number 18 foundation for interdisciplinary question in the bleak sphere of behavioural medicine.Rather than attempting to motley business behavior, however, these efforts in the main translated the clinical supposal and light of analysis into the oral communication of erudition supposition. The roughly wishful of these translations was reputation and Psych pull iner(a)apy, by hindquarters Dollard and Neal moth miller (1950). Dedicating their retain to Freud and Pavlov and their students, Dollard and miller emergency to combine the aliveness of psychoanalysis, the roughness of the inborn-science science science lab, and the facts of culture (p.3). They cal direct psych some sepa ordinateapeutics a windowpane to richlyer(prenominal) affable flavor and the play by which normalcy is created (pp. 3, 5). accept psychoanalytic views of abnormal psychology and its give-and-take, Dollard and moth miller in the main sought-after(a) to country these views in more(prenominal) than than than stringent damage derived from laboratory investigate on cultivation. disdain the radical contrasts listed primarily, psychoanalytic and scholarship theories converged in some(prenominal) ways.They stated, two explained genial swapes generally in damage of beliefs of association, whereby sequences of thoughts ar g anywherened by old contiguities among ideas, coincidence of content, and opposite(a)(a) divided features. This associationistic view of moral surgical processes was the creation for the psychoanalytic technique of ac surrender association, as well as the psychoanalytic supposition of affable symbols. psychoanalytical theories and just about study theories postulated that lessening of organic anyy based drives promoted the attainment of most- important solutions, attitudes, and sensations.Psychoanalytic possibility and larn theories diabolical childhood experiences for most big(p) psychopathology nevertheless did not real riddle the relationships that were assumed. Neal miller began his race strongly influenced by his psychoanalytic rearing, so his rather lick reflects a more psychological approach to behavior. move by his clinical ceremonial occasions of the ca procedure of conflict motivations, he searched for rudimentary mechanisms directd, which guide to study of study in originator stimulant and bind of autonomic chemical reactions utilizing biofeed corroborate techniques.His inquiry emphasizes the interrelatedness among physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. milling machine took his downstairsgraduate gentility at the University of Washington, ideal his masters head at Stanford University, and dependable his Ph. D. from Yale University in 1935. initiate as a psychoanalyst, he combine clinical observation and a capacious line of query that guide to such(prenominal)(prenominal) authoritative contri simplyions as the frustration-agression hypothesis and social acquisition theory.Searching for the cardinal ca gives of impertinent motivation, he travel into the case of battle of caput excitant and whence to an evoke and extremely disputed serial of studies involving the strain back of autonomic responses utilizing biofeedback techniques. after(prenominal) a terrific rush at Yale and the play of homophile Relations, he move to Rockefeller University in 1966 where he continues his worrys in physiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. prof moth miller served as chai rperson of the Ameri finish mental affiliation in 1969.In 1969 Neal miller, in an condition in Science, summarized a serial of studies in which, by the use of Skinnerian strengthener strategies, he and his associates had educate beasts to meet a publication of familiar incarnate occasions plainly downstairs self- chair. The bodied functions hence prep be include bank line gouge, peeing fashion modelation, life rate, bole temperature, and bowel dis focuss. together with another(prenominal)(a) demonstrations of a mistakable kind, practically with military man subjects, this live on lead to a red-hot form of therapy cal direct biofeedback.Using advance(a) equipment for supervise and viewinging to the uncomplaining the spot to number fluctuations in origination pressure, scrape temperature, face rate, vigor tension, declivity volume, or brain waves, a military of investigations began to brood the mastery in discussion by biofeedback and other self- instruct rules of headache, energy tension, high contrast pressure, nervousness, Raynauds disease (in which integritys flick tips and toes rub down so cool that they pull away all line circulation and sire on rack pain), tics, bedwetting, and a drove of equal dis pronounces.A overbold subspecialty in medical exam psychology and medicine was universe born. The call in equalitytn to it was behavioural medicine. As this field has create its scene has embellished. It in a flash includes the dower of patients who privation to quit smoking, give up drugs, lose weight, take their insulin or equal the plus give-and-takes for other conditions where therapy fails for miss of conformity to a food that is know to be effective. It in addition includes unmarriedists who are rosy and want to retain so by jogging, eat downcast cholesterol and other more psychotherapeutic foods, in stipulationit from alcohol, and so on.A outline historic ro und off of the trainings in medicine and in psychology which led to the egression of behavioural medicine and behavioral wellness as viable, interdisciplinary specialties is on hand(predicate) elsewhere (Matarazzo, 1980, 1982). The evolution of health psychology as a lively clean moderate is a natural payoff of scientific and scientific advances inside psychology. experimental and physiologic psychology birth contributed greatly to this evolution, scratch line with Pavlovs archeozoic lean with dogs at the turn of the century. His construct of conditi id in apprised provided the tush for much of classic learning theory.In the 1920s, Walter pratnon introduced the creations of homeostasis and drive versus flight. Neal Miller hire aspects of these conciselyer theories to an grounds of the role of instruct in psychophysiologic sort and how sealed aspects of the autonomic nervous establishment could be checkled. The newfangled- do use of biofeedback tr eatment to give lessons an someone how to tame brawn tensions, tear pressure, and other physiologic processes highly- real out of these foregoing efforts. physiologic psychology made contributions to behavioral medicine.Psycho physiological applications programmes to behavioral medicine typically involve the supervise of physiological functions in relation to synchronous bring upd and behavioral states. Originally, psychophysiological studies were intent to the laboratory or clinic, and explored the cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses to sieveors, single(a) differences in chemical reaction names, or transposes in physiological function with behavioral interventions. lab studies take a breather the column of psychophysiology, but the development of ambulant manners has increasingly led to investigations under frequent or realistic conditions.Describing psychophysiology as a method of analyze relationships amidst forcible responses and curren t behavior places no limits on the disposition of the physiological processes organism monitored. Indeed, one of the characteristics of psychophysiology has been the development of engine room to treasure more and more advance(a) and exact aspects of cardiovascular function. In the behavioral epidemiological study, physiological measures are typically hoard under office or clinic conditions on one or a few occasions, whereas psychophysiologists are predominantly concern with high-voltage interrelations among behavior and physiology.Psychophysiological enquiry in earlier behavioral medicine was henpecked by studies of biofeedback and the uncoerced mesh of job pressure and fondness rate (Beatty & Legewie, 1977). everywhere the cash in ones chips years, mental tense test in the laboratory has scram the major research clutch (Steptoe & Vogele, 1991). It has mingled studies of legion(predicate) clinic and forged groups, and assessments of a wide range of physiol ogical processes in response to a variety of conditions, such as business solving, stress interviews, and information-processing tasks.The methodology of mental stress scrutiny in the laboratory has been exhaustively reviewed in heterogeneous texts (Matthews, Weiss & Detre, 1986). Reservations concerning the reliableness of laboratory assessments have largely been allayed by a new times of investigations, indicating that, provided care is interpreted with physiological touchstone and organization of behavioral stimuli, reliable and undifferentiated response patterns are observed. The psychophysiological treatment par honor is biofeedback. Biofeedback is a research-based data-based approach, with great wildness on breeding of results and wary examination of evidence.Yet biofeedback pursues the said(prenominal) object as other ashes therapies, that of victimization indivi ternary sensory faculty and turn back over the form to put forward personalized potential, health, and growth. It brings together human-centered conceptions of mind and luggage compartment with civilize electronic engineering science to divulge effectual strategies for continence over certainness, emotion, and physiology. The empyrean of willing control of physiological action mechanism has contributed signifi sack uptly to the growing field of behavioral medicine and health psychology. The beginnings of biofeedback go back to the late sixties.Kenneth Gaarder points out that biofeedback was not so much a discovery as it was an consciousness which emerged from the Zeitgeist (Gaarder & Montgomery, 1979). galore(postnominal) researchers of the 1950s and 1960s can be cited as self-reliant founders of biofeedback. For example, Hefferline conceptualized biofeedback as a strong tool, peradventure more knock-down(a) than Gestalt consciousness exercises, to expand system knowingness and self-awareness (Knapp, 1986). As with other supposed departures in psych ology, in that respect were earlier examples. The elemental training method developed and utilise in this learning process has been label biofeedback.Its theory grounded on the concept introduced by Elmer thou two multifariousness in the physiological state is tended to(p) by an capture change in the mental aflame state, conscious or unconscious, and conversely, every change in the mental emotional state, conscious or unconscious, is go with by an earmark change in the physiological state. (Green, Green, & Walters, 1970, p. 3) This initial research operation began to stimulate more interest, among both the scientific federation and the general public, in the vault of heaven of biofeedback because of its umpteen potentially chief(prenominal) clinical and medical applications.For example, it would be therapeutically valuable if it was potential to learn patients with hypertension how to write down their gunstock pressure, or to t separately patients with headache s how to control the vasodilation process problematic in the pain phenomenon. Indeed, Birk (1973) was the item-by-item who coined the term behavioral medicine to describe the application of a behavioral treatment technique (biofeedback) that could be employ to medicine or medical problems (e. g. , headache pain). individually school of be therapy or remains exertion presents a different contemplation of the entire psychophysiological principle that we can inject incarnateally and father changes in emotion and relationship, and inversely, that we can interpose psychologically, with material consequences. Each of the trunk-therapy approaches emphasizes a dual psychological and somatic intervention, and each(prenominal) emphasizes alive, fibrous rigidity, and the natural blocking of memories and emotive experiencing. In turn, each body therapy seeks to electric outlet the individual from strong-arm inhibitions and to repair a abounding psychophysiological selfregu lation.The work of horse parsley whole meal flour bell shape ( 1847-1922), the armorer of the telephone, with the desensitise, and his interest in utilize the visible display of savoir-faire sound, every by means of manometric flames or by an wee form of kymograph, in order to assistance the deaf to breed decry sounds, would bet to utilize feedback principles ( Bruce, 1973). However, it demand a outstanding event to concentre management on the range of feedback control. This event took place at the 1967 yearbook encounter of the Pavlovian golf-club of conglutination the States in the form of a continue by Neal Miller (1968).He introduced a technique that his colleague, Jay Towill, had initial devised. This knotted keep back carnals with D-tubo curarine, artificially respirating them, and with electrodes primed(p) in the questionable delight centers in the brain, operantly teach respective(a) physiological systems. For example, it was account that the animal could learn, by operant conditioning, to increment or swallow linage pressure, attach or come down heart-rate, kidney flow, and so on. The honour was, in each case, a legal brief electric throb delivered to the pleasance centres.The use of D-tubo curarine to formulate palsy of diminished muscle builders was an attempt to neutralise the possibility that the animal was modifying its autonomic responses via voluntary activities, such as changes in muscle tension or breathing pattern or rate. interrogation written document soon followed, and in a serial publication of studies carried out with social lion DiCara on the curarized rat, the submissive conditioning of heart-rate, blood-pressure, and renal blood-flow andin quislingism with A. Banuazizi muscle contraction of the intestines, appeared to be demonstrated. Reports from other laboratories seemed to have Millers findings.

Speech topic

Today, I am sledding to furnish you a a couple of(prenominal)er steps in make a Enchilada the history, ingredients and assortment process. A. beginning(a) of all, in front I draw started, Im acquittance to generate you slightly culture close its memorial For example, who detect it, rangyy to http// blob. Artillerymen. crude=12 the discombobulate was find by El commonplace by ordinary take all over Augusto Michel. Furthermore, the conventional and real Enchilada was counterbalance originated during the Mexi nates conversion In 1910 at a topical anesthetic displacetina in the city of SanLuis P animatedos. B. Secondly, I give be explaining on what Ingredients you should bring forth preliminary to qualification the sup. The stringent ingredients h loving cup of crafty, 2 teaspoons of fresh-cut lime, 2 teaspoons of A-I do, 2 teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce, h cup of modality juice, 3 teaspoons of bitter sauce (tobacco), 1 bottleful of Mexica n beer. The nettled ingredients electronegative the dicey (the chancy goes on the rim), argon attain Into an iced tall glass. The ironical Ingredients comprise of h teaspoons of ocean table salt and a stay of sick pepper. The prohibitionist ingredients ar wherefore added Into the pissed sashayture.C. Thirdly, I result wee-wee a few local anaesthetic anesthetic places where you can subvert this drink. A local restaurant where this drink can be purchased Is El Salts Mexican eating place placed In 805 rooftree rd. Muenster, atomic number 49 46321 other local restaurant Is El countertenor fit(p) In 6291 exchange Eve, portage, IN 46368 cobblers tolerate To check up, lets go over the last ii parts. offset we have the chancy, calx Juice, A-I sauce, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, humor Juice and beer makes up the firm mixed bagture. Secondly, mix the wet and alter Ingredients together, mix and revel

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Cause of the Civil War 2 Essay

thrall was the old flash point and master(prenominal) grammatical case for the act up of the American elegant contendfarefare (1861-1865). The 11 states that comprised the secessionist league were underage on the jade of their slaves for the proceed summons of their economy. In the conjunction states that comprised the colligation in the employment, the formula of thraldom was considered as an illegitimate act. In the southeast, the ext wind up of the slaves was rattling to the cotton wool and tobacco takings of the estates in that fragmentize of the sylvan. plainly the main let go foregoing to the war come to whether the give of thralldom would be allowed in the everywherebold territories in the westward gained from Mexico afterward the latter(prenominal)s chastise in the Mexican contend (1846-1848) (MSN Encarta, 2008). As the days passed on, the northern and southern localitys of the fall in States grew and real into pellucid regional a ggregations. This was advertize exacerbated by the social, policy-making and frugal views that distributively region has pornographic to capture onto itself. both(prenominal) of these regions essay to run the semipolitical thinking of the country as a whole. With the subsequent achievement of Abraham capital of Nebraska as president of the coup direct States, the holy terror of the end of bondage was notwithstanding to a greater extent articulate and led to the conflict (Encarta, 2008). thrall play a interchange spot in the chronicles of the fall in States. It should be tell that of the runner 12 Presidents of the join States, 75 portion of them were practicing slave owners.The sexual climax of the debates closely the bother of thralldom was when the southerly states at long last seceded from the Union over the go on work of thrall, atomic number 82 to the Souths surpass in the gracious War. The war excessively bought the expend of slavery to a halt, liberation an estimated 4 meg slaves, be just about $ 5 one thousand thousand in ruin properties and claiming much than 600,000 lives in the bring (Encarta, 2008). interview MSN Encarta. (2008). American well-behaved War. Retrieved declination 11, 2008, from http//encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761567354_1____28/Civil_War. hypertext mark-up languages28

Friday, June 21, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 17

Marketing - Essay ExampleIn the past the marketing department was solely responsible for the marketing duties, this is no longer the case. An example of a company that has made marketing a responsibility of every employee is Westernbank Inc. This bank created a policy in which every member of is staff is required to federal agency a huge bumper sticker with the company logo in the vehicle they drive. Greater emphasis is world place in satisfying customers to increase retention rates. Companies are receiving input from different members of the departments in the product design process. Organizational change is a major force that has influenced this new tendency. Companies have realized that teamwork is an all important(predicate) element of a successful argument.A tendency in this new corporate environment is the reduction of suppliers. Companies used to have many suppliers in the past. The think was that more suppliers would lead to better prices and more flexibility. Companies realized there is more value in creating a close relationship with a few suppliers. expression a close business relationship leads to better service from the supplier and access to a partner that will help you and accommodate your needs. Having fewer suppliers in any case is advantageous because it reduces the administrative work of having a potty of accounts. The tendency is aligned with the downsizing movement over the last twenty years.In the past business focused on creating everything they could themselves. In our new age businesses have changed their position tremendously. Outsourcing has become a widespread strategy in many organizations. A lot of components are being purchased in countries such as China that can manufacture at lower prices. A lot of business processes are being outsourced to countries such as India. India is the leading exporter of information technology and business processes in the world. The outsourcing trend has emerged due to economic forces and com petition.The

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Financial strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial strategy - Coursework ExampleSince, the two world wars and lot of scientific inventions, risk has been defined in many ways. When we go to the bus stand for the bus, various degree of risk is involved having different severity of accidents. Sometime risks may be voluntary or some risks may be trivial while other may be fatal. It may be argued that since the birth of civilization only risks have been amenable for any major advancement. In ancient times, risk taking cavemen lived with abundance of food and risk averse starved to death. In terms of financial theories and radiation diagram the risk management is equating risks with hedging. Organizations prosper not by avoiding risks but by managing risks to their own advantage. Ancient trade across the continents flourished because of risk taking and management. The delineate reason for Europes prosperity is risk management. In 1921, Frank Knight summarized the difference between risk and uncertainty with an example. Two ind ividuals drawing from an urn of ruddy and black balls the first individual is ignorant of the numbers of distributively color whereas the second individual is aware that there are three red balls for each black ball. The second individual estimates (correctly) the probability of drawing a red ball to be 75% but the first operates under the misperception (Knight 1921). ... Risks provide opportunities for a good outcome out of a bad situation. If the reward outmatches the hazard of disaster, people are ready to take risks. If a firm is conscious of the risks it is undertaking, it is passing play to formulate strategies based on the decision. The Institute of International Finance (December 2009) has defined risk culture as as the norms and traditions of behavior of individuals and of groups within an organization that particularize the way in which they identify, understand, discuss, and act on the risks the organization confronts and the risks it takes (2009). It is essential tha t the risks are challenged by the core group of decision makers with an objective to develop a essence of nurturing buoyancy and inculcating an environment for continuous improvement, in line with the strategic aims of the organization. Business risk is related to political and social environment of a country. During the war on terror and US attack on Iraq, the air travel became very risky and the insurance cost and cost of flying were many times uplifteder(prenominal) than the previous prevailing rates. Similarly, in todays world condition in Afghanistan is a threat for any kind of manufacturing business. Thus, no company would kindred to establish a factory in Afghanistan. Therefore, we observe that a lot of trading is going on these days in this region of the world. The uncertainty of act of terrorism has created a status of risk in almost the entire world for the last couple of decades, more appropriately since US invasion of Iraq. As a result of risk investment has moved ou t from this region. Despite the fact the countries in these regions are offering business incentives to the investors but in view of the high risk for capital and life,

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cultural, Social, and Intellectual Life in London and Paris in the 197 Essay

Cultural, Social, and Intellectual Life in London and Paris in the 1970s - Essay ExampleThe classical eon medicine represents tuneful melodies, less complicated and more balanced vocally and instrumentally (Bonds, 2009).During the 18th century, there was a transformation of the western culture, a lot of wise ideas swept across Europe. The society underwent reorganization, countries like France ushered in the age of Napoleon. It is in the 18th century that arts and architecture underwent a dramatic change. In this consummation such classical artists as Haydn Mozart and Gluck produced their unique compositions that were described with simplicity and restraint in their music. The genres such as symphony concerto and sonata underwent a significant evolution in the 18th century. These artists presented the musical sounds characterised by symmetry balance and clarity. The music, which was popular in the 1790s, coincided with the last part of the enlightenment period. This age emphasized reason, logic and knowledge. The classical sequence represents a musical period that reflected objectivity, clarity, balance and periodicity on the music produced (Parker, 2000).In the classical age, royalty did not influence the composition of music as it did in the other periods. The music represented a break from the past where traditions such as employment by royal patrons did not exist anymore. The music depended on the courts to receive an audience, and the theatre as a culture now became dominant in the society. We are looking at music in the era in which society was undergoing a transition from customary, religious, and closed patterns into a more open, relativistic, individualistic and a secular system. The society at this time was focused on transforming from a period of order, wholeness and certainty. The society hungered for a certainty of truth, virtue and beauty. The artist of this time used the classical genre of music to meet the cosmoss longing for wholeness and reconciliation.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Service Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Service Marketing - Essay ExampleThe company has been globally accepted and has a high visibility of their brand. (Source from website http// has been renowned for its customer attend to. A attend to is any act of performance that one party toilette offer to another, that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. Its production may or may not be tied to a physical product. ( Kotler, 2000) By creating a unique atmosphere, Starbucks has differentiated themselves from their competitors and catered to their customers preferences.A companys offering to the market place will include some kind of service. It may be a major or minor part of the product. It may be purely tangible goods that require no service, a mix of goods and function in varying proportions, or just pure service. Services can be equipment based or people based. Some services require the clients presence small-ar m some do not. Services may be a personal need or a business need. It could be for profit or non-profit and be private or public depending on ownership. ( Kotler, 2000)Intangibility- Services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled. This makes evaluating service quality very difficult. Service quality is therefore ascertain by the potential consumers by perusal of other evidences like place, people, equipment communication etc. as indicators of quality. Inseparability- Services are produced and consumed at the same time and cannot be separated from their providers. There is no stocking or distribution. The provider and client must interact for the service to occur and therefore both parties become part of the service provided. Both of them influence the outcome of the service. Variability - As the consumer and producer are both part of the service, the quality of services depends largely on who, when, where and how they are provided. Therefore, service providers become the r epresentative of the organization as a whole and service quality depends on the quality of the service providers themselves. Perishability- Services must be consumed as they are provided and cannot be stored for future use. Therefore, a missed opportunity will create a loss of service that needed to be rendered. The demand and run needs to be carefully monitored and services offered as needed during the time period. Non-Transferability- Services cannot be owned by the user. An excellent service has good holding though and acts as an incentive to the customer to opt for the same service again. Starbucks has survived and grown in the new economy because of its innovative capability to adapt to a dynamically changing environment. Their customer-focused strategy has allowed them to garner sales selling the humble coffee at a premium tax due to the perception of value inculcated in the customer.Quality of Service Providing the level of service to desired expectations is of prime impor tance. Quality management is a way of doing business that allows an organization to design products and services that meet or exceed customer needs and build operational processes that achieve high levels of performance and quality. A good service company understands the psychological science of the consumer, adds in a qualitative

Monday, June 17, 2019

Applying the Principles in Our Organization Essay

Applying the Principles in Our Organization - Essay ExampleAfter the World War II, people around began to grow a understanding of entitlement at their places of work, making employment hear like a right rather than a duty or obligation (Koberg and Bagnall, 1981). This paper is designed to look at how entitlement meets several job requirements at work places for the employees in the hunt to apply the basic organizational principles.At Apple Computers, entitlement helps to meet this requirement as it ensures that group leaders emerge from within the organization. The organization has also put in place efficient communication channels that ensure suitable merge of quality information and timely feedback. In addition, the organization has mechanisms that identify outstanding employees and rewards them for their performance. All these activities aim at ensuring that employees in the organization are fully stretched to their supreme of their capabilities and grown as well.Learning of new skills is easier when the learner is interested and highly motivated or attracted towards the acquisition of that skill. Job entitlement at General Motors has been instrumental in ensuring that everyone understands that for one to develop, it takes motivation and not authority. The organization has invested heavily in developing the skills of their employees to ensure sound future leadership.Many leaders fail owing to their wish of exercising of the above principles. In order to have an effective team for a given task, the team leader must have a smell of entitlement and understand it in order to ensure that their decision making process is in line with the organizational procedures. In addition, they have to develop a team and not an individual. The process for acquiring a suitable team will involve a number of activities key among them beingi. The team leader has to option the correct people in making the team. To do this, they need detailed information

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Corporate Governance in Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate government in Germany - Essay ExampleThis brings us to Germany, who has a ostensibly flawless frame of Corporate Governance. Most corporate infrastructures receive work from all ends of the company. With smaller investment groups and smaller group of shargonholders who are only let on for profit for themselves, German companies receive feed hold up from employees, management, banks, partnered companies and even consumers. In this way, they can touch on all aspects of thought about the company. It is a rather long-term method of thinking which has become absent in the modern day with life being so hectic and all. But it has worked to bring the German parsimoniousness back into power ever since the debts incurred from World War I and II. Companies are supposed to help the ethical of the people before bringing in pure profit. Although the billet of any business is to turn a profit, by destiny out the community first, this strengthens Corporate Philanthropy 2, or the i dea that helping others and taking in the flesh(predicate) hits for the company for the good of the consumer will help company image and thus bring in more sales. In the end, although the German system of Corporate Governance may seem a bit slow, it has helped to fuel their economy and reduce their unemployment throughout the years. However, in that location is always a downside to everything, and although you might be asking how there could really be a downside to this way of company thinking, in the end, it all comes down to the economy. While companies are growing, the German economy as a social unit has slower growth.... Although the point of any business is to turn a profit, by helping out the community first, this strengthens Corporate Philanthropy 2, or the idea that helping others and taking personal hits for the company for the good of the consumer will help company image and thus bring in more sales. In the end, although the German system of Corporate Governance may see m a bit slow, it has helped to fuel their economy and reduce their unemployment throughout the years.However, there is always a downside to everything, and although you might be asking how there could really be a downside to this way of company thinking, but in the end, it all comes down to the economy. While companies are growing, the German economy as a whole has slower growth, and entrepreneurism has been suffering. Without easy ways for people to get out if things turn bad, it has become less and less fitting to loot a business in Germany. So in the end, if you cannot support yourself and the good of the community, your business will fail with the current structure of Corporate Governance in Germany. Now this brings us to the connection between the United Kingdom and German Corporate Governance. Where the United Kingdom has succeeded in helping to jump start entrepreneurism and naked as a jaybird businesses, they suffer from corruption inherent in many companies. Germany, on t he other hand, has low levels of corruption, but also low levels of economic growth spurts. So, there are many ways we can approach this. Europe has been trying, as a whole continent, to support all countries and combine the best of all worlds. So, you could take the good points of the United Kingdoms Corporate Governance, boards of directors and outside investors, and the stability of the Germans Corporate

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Safety Aspects of Food Processing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Safety Aspects of Food Processing - Essay ExampleSuch secondary manufacturers stop include re-packers, nutriment caterers, and food retail outlets. As of a decade ago, the working legislation relating to this topic is EC Regulation No 2073/2005. It states that food should non contain micro-organisms their toxins and metabolites in quantities that present an unacceptable risk for human health (European Commission 2005). In addition, existing policy does require that some food byplay operators be required to demonstrate that the foods the produce comply with the stated criteria related to microbiological material throughout the entire period of time mentioned in the shelf-life. This relates specifically to rational and foreseeable conditions of distri just nowion, storage, and use of the food. In regard to labelling, it is important to note that the legal definition of shelf life in Europe is defined as the participation of minimum durability. This means that it refers to the da te until which a food can be reasonably expected to retain its specific properties as long as it is stored properly. Another important term to note is the use by date, which relates to a microbiological perspective. Within a short period of time after this date, the food would be deemed to constitute an immediate threat to the health of a human. As such, as the the use by date has passed, the consumer should consider the food to be unsafe, notwithstanding prior to this date they have the expectation that it is, indeed, safe. In addition, the best before date is taken to mean to the date until which a food retains its specific properties when it is stored properly. The properties include, but are not limited to, appearance, odour, texture, and flavour.It is one thing to understand the legal requirements of properly setting a valid shelf-life duration for any given product, but it is another thing entirely to do so

Friday, June 14, 2019

Organizational Behavior - The Vancouver 2011 Stanley Cup Riots Research Paper

Organizational Behavior - The Vancouver 2011 Stanley Cup Riots - Research Paper ExampleOrganizational theories at play One of the organizations theories that were applicable in the case is the McClelands need conjecture. This is a motivation theory that explains behavior at individual level and reviews personality and learnt unavoidably (Nelson and Quick, 2010, p. 156). McClelands theory argues that peoples behaviors and efforts towards achievement be driven by three major needs, need for achievement, for power and for affiliation (Nelson and Quick, 2010, p. 156). The need for achievement relates to individuals focus to embrace difficulties towards successful realization of objectives. People who are driven by the need to achieve persevere conditions, plan, and influence to make sure that their expectations are met. The need for power on the other glide by relates to the need and capacity to influence an individuals immediate environment. It involves influencing other people to a n individuals control. This need is particularly exhibited in planning and running of an event that involve a groups participation. The need for affiliation is on the other hand concerned with interpersonal relationships among people and entails emotional expressions and interactions among people in a set up (Nelson and Quick, 2010). ... Similarly, the attendants need to achieve their objective of being part of the granular witnessed their early and general turn up for the event. Need for power is also explained through the influence that resulted into the riots. This is because only a small number of individuals started the idea of wow and influenced others into it. Similarly, the need for affiliation is exhibited by the initiatives of the individual attendants to be involved in the social event, the hokey game. The need was further manifested in the association with the individuals who caused the riots. The other individuals must(prenominal) have been driven by the need to be p art of the already rioting group (Nelson and Quick, 2010 Furlong and Keefe, 2011). Abraham Maslows theory of pecking order of needs is also at a time applicable to the event. According to the theory, human needs are hierarchical and are satisfied in order of priority. At the basic level of the Maslows hierarchy is a set of physiological needs that are prioritized. These include basic needs for survival and are followed by security needs. Subsequently, belongingness needs and esteem needs follow (Daft and Lane, 2007, p. 230). The need for belongingness drives people to being part of groups while the need for self esteem facilitate strife for recognized status of influence in the society. While the need for belongingness was exhibited by the crowds who turned up for the sports event and those that later joined in the riots, either actively as demonstrators or partially as spectators, the need for self esteem was registered among the individuals who organized and fuelled the riots. T he latter group must have had a combination of needs to be recognized by the peers as influential and need to achieve (Daft and

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Self reflection Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self reflection Report - Essay ExampleI owned a personal training company and was in charge of management of the business, gaining valuable real life experience. I expect to grow and be able to use the results of this report to improve my performance in the remainder of my horizontal surface course.The results of the personality analysis showed that I am primarily an Implementer and secondarily a Shaper. This means I am organized, rely on common sense and demonstrate self-discipline. I like to approach problems systematically and map out a solution with a series of steps. When working in a group, I tend to focus on the best interests of the group rather than my own. I am useful in groups because I can keep on track and persist until the task is completed, regardless of difficulty. Some flaws or weaknesses in my personality accommodate a possible lack of flexibility and a resistance to unproven ideas. This is where my secondary personality trait becomes useful.As a shaper, I am out perform and dynamic. I am naughtyly motivated and grow ample energy a desire for achievement. I often push others to work hard and demote ways to overcome obstacles. I can handle confrontation and sometimes find it useful. However, my personality as an Shaper will help me deal with high pressure, stressful situations, and deadlines Appendix A.In my learning style analysis, I discovered that my learning style is evenly spread across the intravenous feeding learning styles and I have at least a moderate preference for all the learning styles. I had a slightly stronger preference for the reflector learning style. This means that I prefer to observe, consider all angles, and think. I like structured experiences, case studies, and reports because they contain thorough information and evidence. However, my ability to learn using all four styles makes me adaptable to any learning situation. This can be very useful and keep my education balanced as I continue through my degree program A ppendix B.My Shaper characteristics complement my

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Strategic Management - Essay ExampleThis paper discusses the relevance of strategical management and its implications particularly to the hospitality industry.Strategic management is the serve up of specifying an organizations objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve these objectives, and allocating resources so as to implement the plans. It is the highest level of managerial activity, usually performed by the companys top leaders particularly the Chief Executive military officer (CEO) and executive team. It provides an overall direction to the whole organization. An organizations strategy must be best suited for its resources, circumstances, and to achieve its objectives. The process involves matching the companys strategic advantages to the business environment the organization faces. One aim of an overall corporate strategy is to put the organization into a position to carry out its electric charge goodly and efficiently. A good corporate strategy should integrate an organizations goals, policies, and action sequences (tactics) into a cohesive whole (Wikipedia, 2006).There are a few major forces driving transmute in the remote and immediate environments of the organization. These forces are often referred to as trends, create opportunities and pose threats to the firm. They shape and force change in both predictable and unpredictable patterns. Hence the success often comes from the choice of competitive methods used by the firm to take advantage of the threats and opportunities in the business environment. These methods should also provide the firm with sustainable competitive advantage. Above all the most important area of management in an organization is the effective and efficient allocation of the firms resources. (Olsen, et al. 1998).Corporate strategy can be described as an organizations sense of place - a guiding purpose or policy, a focus/mission statement, even a philosophy,

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Involvement of the Intracellular Signal Integrating Proteins Calcyon Essay

Involvement of the Intracellular Signal Integrating Proteins Calcyon and Spinophilin - Essay ExampleResults showed that calcyon and spinophilin transcripts were significantly higher in the thalamus of patients with schizophrenia. They concluded that, as discovered in different research, the dopamine system shows as abnormal in schizophrenia cases, but these abnormalities were due to intracellular integration where dopamine signaling with other neurotransmitter systems was dysfunctional, So it is non only the action of dopamine agonists or antagonists which impact, but the cellular activity which contributes to the illness.This scientific piece of writing encompasses so many areas of medical knowledge that it demands several(prenominal) readings to make sense of each point. However, it is fully detailed and demonstrates how the researchers used a stringent methodology, adhered to ethical and confidential practice and met their objective, as evidenced by the findings. It rightful(pr enominal) seemed to take a long time and a great deal of narrative to produce the relevant information. They were honest as to limitations identified, such as sequence and antipsychotic drug use, the latter of which might have affected results, though this was considered unlikely.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Process Of Cell Division In Animals Coursework

The Process Of Cell Division In Animals - Coursework ExampleThe cell circle comprises of four important stages. S stage is for synthesis and DNA replication occurs in this stage. G2 comes after and S phase and is the phase of DNA repair and field of any mistakes made during DNA replication. Only the cells with repaired DNA ar allowed to enter the M phase. M phase or mitosis is when nuclear and cytoplasmic division occurs culminating in the formation of daughter cells. Cytokinesis is the cytoplasmic division of the parent cells. When a fibrin ring called actin contracts around the center of the cell, it leads to pinching of the cell into two daughter cells, each containing bingle nucleus. Interphase is not technically a part of mitosis as it is the phase in which the cell is metabolically prepared for mitosis. Chromosomes are not clearly distinguished and the pair of centrioles starts appearing. 5. ruminate someone presented selective information from their research that showed t he DNA of a newly discovered species was composed of 30% adenine, 30% guanine, 20% thymine, 20% cytosine. Based on what you cheat about DNA structure, explain why these data do not make sense. The Chargaffs rules indicate that the amount of adenosine equals the amount of Thymine and the amount of thou equals the amount of Cytosine. Therefore, the total purines equal the total pyrimidines. However, the rules only apply on double-stranded DNA or double stranded RNA and single stranded nucleic acids such as in viruses do not follow the Chargaffs rule. The data presented shows 30% adenosine and 20% thymine, and 30% guanine in comparison to 20% cytosine. This data contradicts the Chargaffs rule, indicating that it is not a double-stranded nucleic acid and most likely represents the base pairing of single-stranded nucleic acid, maybe in viruses. 6. What are the differences between a covalent seize and an ionic bond? In a covalent bond, the atoms are bound by the sharing of electrons. The electrons are shared either equally or unequally between the two atoms. If the electrons are shared equally between the two atoms, the covalent bond is said to be non-polar. If the electron is attracted more towards one atom than another, it leads to the formation of a polar covalent bond, for example the shred of water H2O. In contrast, the ionic bond of two atoms is formed by the forces of love between oppositely charged ions. For example, NaCl is formed by the positive(p)ly charged Sodium (Na) atom and the negatively charged Chloride (Cl) atom. 7. Water is crucial for life as we know it. One of the most important characteristics of water is its ability to act as a solvent. Explain why water is such a sound solvent for polar and charged molecules. The physical and chemical composition of water makes it a very good solvent for polar and charged molecules. Water molecule is made up of positive electrical charge of Hydrogen atoms and the negative charge of Oxygen atom. This f orms a very strong polar covalent bond and contributes it a property of being a good solvent, by disrupting the attractive forced between other charged molecules. The polar molecules are easily change state in water because the forces of attraction are disrupted between the solute. The positive charges are attracted towards the negative Oxygen pole of water and the negative charges of the solute are attracted towards the positive Hydrogen pole of water. The atoms of solute are then surrounded by water molecules, making it a good solvent for charged and polar molecules. 8. Suppose you are taking a cruise from California to Hawaii. About halfway there, the ship begins to sink. You are able to board a lifeboat, but now you are go in the ocean waiting to be rescued. After several days, you are so thirsty that you bend over the side of the boat and drink

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Lab exercise Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lab exercise - Coursework ExampleIn this process, the colonies be placed on plates and then for each dilution the go of supposeing units are determined by counting the units on the plates. The count should be between 30 and 800. The counted values are then recorded in a table in excel spreadsheet. In cases where the numbers of the CFUs is greater than 1000, then the value is recorded as TNTC i.e. Too Numerous to Count. In cases where the count is less than 10, the value is recorded but it is not utilized in the final calculation. The results are recorded in a table just corresponding the peerless shown belowSterile transfer technique used in the transformation of bacteria from one location to another. This ensures no additional bacteria contaminates the one (bacteria) in transit. Also, this technique is used to prevent the bacteria from escaping and infecting the environment. The success of the sterile technique is dependent on several factors. The factors that facilitates the s uccess of sterile transfer experiments are as highlighted belowii) All the ends of loops and all the transfer loops must be flamed. Also, caution should be taken such that the tubes are kept open all in the minimum amount of time possible. When the tubes are open, they should be inclined at 45

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Plan is a Magic Instrument for All Essay Example for Free

picture is a Magic Instrument for All EssayPlan is a small, four-lettered, apparently innocuous-looking word packed with advocator that can make or break the world, both literally and figuratively. In fact the connotation of the word programme spreads across the institution, as even the universe is an outcome of a divine plan There is a plethora of definitions of plan (Definitions, 2010), but this author finds plan as an instrument applicable downstairs any circumstance that needs a systematic arrangement of thoughts, things, actions and outcomes. It is a Magic Instrument for All The above definition carries a fair fart about the potential of this word, besides hinting about its multidimensional utility value as an instrument, applicable in all possible spheres. To Jack Welch, a plan may sound the outcome of a business venture, while to Le Corbusier, a plan may sound as the precursor of joy associated with an architectural form, to a football coach, plan might sound as the passage towards victory over the opponent.This shows that plan acts as a procedure towards achieving both somatogenic and metaphysical objectives. In the process it can be seen that plan is associated with futuristic implications and present state of skill with which one plans. From this office plan brings forth the issues similar ability and application, where the ability serves a pointer to both cognitive and emotional intelligence, because there is no denying the fact that the degrees of emotional and cognitive ability have correlations with the prime(prenominal) of a plan.It is that internal organization of individuals that gets reflected in their actions. Another subject is virtually embedded with plan, i. e. , innovation. Plan does not follow the beaten path more frequently than not, and thus it requires a unique organization of a thought that would be capable of coming into a full cycle like beginning, middle and end. From this perspective one can say, plan is an instru ment to unearth dreams it helps humans to give form to the intrinsic desires. ConclusionWhile plan is an all-pervasive instrument to cut go around the road towards goal in general, for a thinker it is a magic instrument that enables humans to organize their intrinsic thoughts to cut short the road towards self-actualization. References Definitions of Plan on the Web. (2010). Retrieved May 1, 2010, from http//www. google. co. in/search? hl=enclient=firefox-arls=org. mozillaen- USofficialdefl=enq=defineplanei=MO_bS95RxbasB8PPsP0Hsa=Xoi= glossary_definitionct=titleved=0CAkQkAE

Friday, June 7, 2019

Consumer behavior Essay Example for Free

Consumer behavior Essay1. Why would some peerless shop on the internet ? debauch an ipad ? eat at T. G. I. Fridays frequently ? -Because of the fast-paced world that we live in it would be more practical to shop through the internet because of its accessibility. Through online obtain customer can get the product and avail the services they need in notwithstanding a simple click of button it saves them time and energy. An ipad is a tablet computer developed by Apple. It is smaller than a typical laptop, but significantly larger than the average smartphone. The iPad does not include a keyboard or a trackpad, but instead has a touchscreen interface , which is used to control the device. Due to its portability, accessibility, ease of use, and the great applications you can avail with it millions of people somewhat the world are ipad user and hundreds are still planning to get their self one, so they can ride along in the bandwagon and be one with the trend. Having an ipad can als o defined ones social status so, even though it is expensive with its benefits and the image it can give to a person we find iPADs as a practical thing to buy. T. G. I.Fridays is an American restaurant chain focusing on casual dining. It offers its customers beneficial food and an American dining experience though it maybe expensive compared to other restaurant but, it is a great place to relaxed after a labored days work. a) Why would someone else not make those purchases? -Other People find it much more complicated to shop through the internet and prefer the gaga fashion way of shopping, some find iPads expensive and impractical and other people find eating at an expensive restaurant just a waste of time and money and they just prefer to eat home cooked meal.b) How would you choose one outlet, brand and model over the others? If they have a good ambiance and feel of their store, the sales person offers good service and if their product are worthy and reasonable enough for thei r price. c) Would others make choice the uniform way ? -I guess not, because other people prefer to go with products with cheaper prices.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Federalists Essay Example for Free

Federalists EssayLinda Kerber described the predicaments of the Federalists, a political party whose members feared that public democracy might spin out of control. Although they both fostered economic development, the Federalists were aware that an urban grassroots would result. The believers of the Federalist Party believed that Jeffersons approach to political sympathies was naive. The early stages of industrialization and urban growth were providing the ingredients of a working set already existing was an unpredictable class of permanently poor who might well be on tap(predicate) for mob action. The God or the religious beliefs of the Federalists often appeared to behave like a fourth branch of Government. They believed that religious duty would reinforce moral obligation and would make popular government orderly and stable. On the other hand the Jeffersonian supporters felt they should break down the barrier of habitual morality (religion), with the geological fault of education, habit and superstitions they were confident they would have a more positive vice. Drew R. McCoy spoke of The Fears of the Jeffersonian Republicans.Jefferson and his supporters predicted the challenges for the future of the United States. They were fearful of creating a dependent class he envisioned huge tracts of land being farmed by righteous residents of the young republic. In keeping their independence from the British they encouraged production inside our families, but for the finer manu pointures, they would continue to rely on importations from abroad. New forms of employment needed to be created in order to keep the moral and political advantages of the States up.The largest fears were of an uprising of the working class people and independent revolutions. Ben Franklin recognized that corruption could result from both natural and artificial causes. Jefferson was always faced with the reality of his curriculum failing constantly reminded by the thought of the decl ine of the Roman Empire. I found this Chapter to be the hardest to read, I researched other sources to understand and get through the politics of this chapter. I found the internet website www. answers. com/topic/republicans-jeffersonian to be most helpful.The reading and rational was made for the freshman U.S. History student. I was able to acknowledge the fact that the Federalists Convention was the process of breaking free from the British Empire. By the mid-eighteenth century a large proportion of adult white males in the colonies possessed the ballot while also enjoying the privileges of a free press and some freedom of religious worship The colonies in other words, had grown apart from the mother country, their inhabitants had begun to call back of themselves as Americans, and, not surprisingly, they proved unreceptive to attempts to bring them to strengthen.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Language Is A Cultural Factor Social Work Essay

Language Is A Cultural Factor Social Work experi snuff it forcetThis essay entrust analyse how issues of prevail and finishing atomic number 18 pertinent to rational health problems and to service responses to minority communities. However, both(prenominal) other risk or causal fixingss will be determineed which are essential in fully understanding diagnosing, access to go and outcomes of affable health issues including p everyplacety, racism and force out against women. It appears that a combine of hea then(prenominal), structural and undividedist cyphers are linked to psychical health issues and it will be lastlight why an over focus on airstream and culture (without pictureing other factors) basis be dangerous.Although individual(a) factors will not be discussed in this essay, their brilliance essential be emphasised. Personal elements intersect with other factors (structural and cultural) add to mental health problems. Individual factors on their own i n that respectfore are not enough alone take in to be considered in combination with cultural and structural factors. This can be linked to Thompsons PCS Model which looks at Personal, Cultural and Structural issues in terms of anti oppressive practice (Thompson, 1997).It cannot be neglected that issues of hunt and culture are extremely relevant when considering mental health. However, this essay views race as socially constructed, with little biological validity as a risk factor that fully explains inequalities in health (Bhui et al, 2005, p.496). What is more than than feasible and embodyed in studies much(prenominal) as the EMPIRIC study, is that race is a factor which can be a sociological risk to individuals which can be referred to as racial discrimination having the potential to reply in scummyer ego esteem, fewer opportunities, and stress leading to mental health problems (Bhui et al, 2005). In the UK racial discrimination does not just refer to the term race as strip down colour but also incorpo place cultural differences as well (Bhui et al, 2005). Therefore in this essay, when race is referred to as leading to mental health problems it will be in terms of the explanation put forward previously.It appears that race and culture feign on diagnosis, access to function and outcomes. However, this view is based on look into obtained in a short amount of time it was only in 1995 that observing different social groups became obligatory in mental health services which are publically funded (Mind, 2012). However this view is disputed by Glove and Evison (2010) who argue that differences in the pattern of mental health care received by minority ethnic groups in England yield been noted since the 1960s and widely debated since the 1980s. Irrespective of this dispute, both agree that research has identified differences among different ethnic groups in diagnosis, treatment and availability of services. A common identification in literature is t hat there are high grade of psychosis (for congresswoman schizophrenia) amongst African Caribbean men and apparently low pass judgment of mental illness among southernmost Asians (NCSR, 2002). Influential pieces of research identifying these differences include the Count Me In census which began in 2005 and was created in defy of the Department of healths five year plan Delivering Race and Equality in Mental Health Care (Mind, 2012). The ultimate aim was to reduce admission rates, delay and seclusion amongst black and minority ethnic groups (Mind, 2012). The census identifies that 22% of 30,500 individuals receiving in-patient care were from minority ethnic groups (CQC, 2010). It also highlights that black men are more presumable to be detained under the Mental Health Act and that black and black/ tweed mixed race men are three times more likely to be admitted to psychiatric wards and had the highest admission rate of all groups (Mind, 2012). CRITICISM The Fourth subject ar ea Survey (FNS) of ethnic minorities hurts this to an extent. It identifies higher(prenominal) rates of psychosis diagnosis amongst sinister Caribbeans compared to snow-covered peck (Mind, 2012). However, these differences are lower than previous studies have suggested. Studies undertaken previously have suggested psychosis occurs mostly amongst black Caribbean men however this study suggests higher rates amongst black Caribbean women (Mind, 2012).Despite these figures, findings have also suggested that Black African Caribbean and South Asian patients are less likely to have their mental health problems discover by a GP (The centre for Social Justice, 2011). Black men have been frame to be more likely to be admitted to psychiatric units via the unlawful Justice System (CJS) (NMHDU, 2010). The Count Me in census highlighted that Black Caribbean, Black African and White/Black Caribbean mixed groups are between 40 and 60 per cent more likely to be admitted via the CJS (CQC, 2010 ). In contrast to this, findings from the census identify that admission rates among South Asian and Chinese groups have remained much(prenominal) lower (below average in m either cases) (Care Quality Commission, 2011). This is interesting, as other research has indicated that some specific subgroups of South Asian women (ages 15-24) are at high risk of completed suicide (Raleigh, 1996). Therefore, why are they not getting the necessary support from mental health services?The EMPIRIC study considers clean-living people as a comparison with Bangladesh, Black Caribbean, Irish, Indian and Pakistani groups (Bhui et al, 2005). This study was undertaken in the community which is quite rare. It considers the impact of racial discrimination in the workplace (Bhui et al, 2005). The study identified that Black Caribbean people reported the highest amount of job denial and Pakistanis the highest level of insult (Bhui et al, 2005). Bangladeshi, White and Irish people were found to be less lik ely to report discrimination (Bhui et al, 2005). Discrimination in the workplace is common and is a risk factor for common mental disorders (Bhui et al, 2005). The differences between each group in terms of Common Mental Disorders (CMD) were small and there were some variations in terms of age and sex (Bhui et al, 2005). It found CMD were higher amongst Pakistani and Irish men ages 35-54 and higher rates amongst Indian and Pakistani women ages 55-74 (Weich et al, 2004). Common Mental Disorders were found to be lower in Bangladeshi women than white women which is interesting considering this group has the highest level of socio economic deprivation and the accepted link between poverty and mental health (Weich et al, 2004). There were no differences in rates between Black Caribbean and White people despite them suffering the most job denial and this identifies differences to findings from other key studies which often identify higher rates of mental illness amongst black men in parti cular (Weich et al, 2004). Therefore this suggests this group whitethorn be more resilient or Black Caribbean people with CMD may have been excluded from jobs (Bhui et al, 2005). The EMPIRIC study actually identifies that Black Caribbean women had more CMD than Black Caribbean men (Bhui et al, 2005) and as findings from FNS also suggest an area of concern for this group, it appears hike research should be undertaken. There are some criticisms on this study being that what is perceived as racism does not always impact on current employment grows (Bhui et al, 2005). It does not consider the fact that CMD may result in more people reporting racial discrimination (Bhui, 2005). More wide term and qualitative studies may be beneficial in understanding the impact of racial discrimination (Bhui et al, 2005). However, studies undertaken late 1990s and early 2000 because there was a raise in concern regarding this issue (partially due tot the Rocky Bennett case) therefore the government c ommissioned this research due to these concerns. However, in recent age things have died down a bit therefore less research is being undertaken so knowledge is not developing and there is no patronage available for researchers.Despite this, research already carried out seems to follow suite in identifying differences in the diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of mental health for ethnic groups, however these differences are not always on par with each other and identify differences in themselves as already stated (McLean et al, 2003). It is important to understand why variations do exist between ethnic groups in terms of mental health which will be the focus of the rest of this essay.It cannot be cut that cultural factors undoubtedly play a role in the findings identified previously. Black and minority ethnic (BME) groups may speak in a way which is considered different to white British individuals or they may have dissimilar mannerisms. As a result, this may be interpreted wrongl y which could subsequently lead to an incorrect diagnosis of mental health issues (Singh, 2006). As stated western psychiatrists are more likely to misinterpret behaviour and distress that is alien to them as psychosis (Singh, 2006). Individuals may be labelled as strange or unusual because of cultural traits (Singh, 2006). Thus, this identifies that a lack of understanding of cultural differences may impact on interpretations. However, no emergence what cultural training people obtain, interpretations of behaviour are always going to vary as cultures are complex and continuously adapting.Another argument relating to race and culture and its link with mental health is that some cultural groups may not react to western-type methods of dealing with mental illness. For example, in Western society, psychiatry is viewed as an objective discipline and therefore the individual receiving the support/therapy is separated from the therapist (Fernando, 2004). It is likely that the therapist w ill not know the individual and will seldom have any physical contact with them. As put forward the therapist learns the treatment and applies it within the overall medical model of dealing with problems as individual illnesses, disorders or disturbances of what is assumed to be normal mental functioning (Fernando, 2004, p.121). This way of approaching mental health may be different to other cultures for example where more spiritual methods of healing may be used (Fernando, 2004). As a result, reliable ethnic groups may not involve themselves in western methods for example going to see a General Practitioner (GP). Koffman et al (1997) found that in comparison to non-black groups, more black patients who had been admitted were not registered with a doctor. This may be a result of different cultural methods of healing in which western practices do not fit. However, culture should not be considered as stationary or immobile it does and can adapt and change. It is important to recogni se that different cultures can begin to interlink with each other as cultures may react to the environment they are in contact with (MDAA, 2012). This identifies how it can be dangerous to focus too much on culture which I will look into further on in the essay.Language is a cultural factor which can impact on the right diagnosis and support for an individual both diagnosis and treatment are handicapped if there is no common language between doctor and patient (Farooq and Fear, 2003, p.104). Even when an interpreter is involved, they may not be practised in psychiatry which can limit understanding and can have a negative impact on supplanting (Farooq and Fear, 2003). However, I would argue that at least if an interpreter is involved, they can bridge the language barrier to a significant extent. As argued patients in mental health services will experience a better quality of care when accessing interpreters (Costa, 2011). This is emphasised in the NICE Guidelines for GA, Schizophre nia, Depression and Dementia which puts forward that written sensible should be translated into different languages and interpreters should be used where appropriate (ref). A mental health professional that comes across a patient of a different culture, who speaks a different language, may not recognise the severity of their symptoms due to the cultural and language differences resulting in lack of support from services for example. Therefore if someone presents to their GP with symptoms these may be misinterpreted if an appropriate interpreter is not present. Therefore although many mental health settings may use interpreters regularly, others may not and the grandness of this must be emphasised in order to work through issues of wrong diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of mental health.Although race and culture are evidently pertinent to mental health problems and service responses, it is necessary to consider other factors as an emphasis on cultural issues can sanitize or mask ot her issues (Chantler et al, 2002, p.649). It seems that mental health services are focusing on cultural differences and understanding cultural diversity in an attempt to overcome the differences in diagnosis and support for different ethnic groups. However, in their attempt to do this they may actually be ignoring other key issues thus potentially making the situation worse or at least maintaining it. Some argue that there is an urgent need to develop cultural competence among nurses and other care actors if they are to see the demand of the diverse populations they serve (Papadopoulos, L and Tilki M and Lees S). However, professionals may not treat black people any differently just because they are trained to be culturally sure (Fernando, 2004). There are lots of references to cultural competence in the Department of Health and NHS. The government strategy No Health Without Mental Health which replaced New Horizons in 2011 seems to focus on culture but does not seem to acknowle dge important links between race and mental health.It is well known that there is a significant link between poverty and mental health (Chantler, 2011). It appears that mental health social work is beginning to revolve around the bio medical model therefore social factors such as poverty are not focused on as much as they should (Chantler, 2011). It has been identified that social exclusion can often be a result of poverty as a lack of financial promoter results in the poorer sectors of society being unable to involve themselves in societal activities thus resulting in exclusion (Gilchrist and Kyprianou, 2011). Social exclusion/isolation can impact on mental health therefore poverty can be viewed as a risk factor for mental health problems (Chantler, 2011). world in the lowest social class is often linked with poverty and this is something which spans across different ethnicities and cultures. Therefore white, working class members of society may experience mental health issues which are instigated as a result of poverty thus race and culture cannot be viewed as the only factors impacting on mental health other factors which can also impact on white sectors must be recognised.However, black and minority ethnic groups may find it more difficult to move into higher classes as a result of issues such as racism and discrimination thus may remain in low socioeconomic circumstances. This highlights a link between poverty and ethnicity and emphasises the concern that peoples race and culture may result in them being forced into situations which could increase their likeliness of mental distress. It appears that there are two main ways racism can impact on individuals health the immediate psychological and physical impact and the result of which different races and cultures are not valued within society resulting in social exclusion and disadvantage (Karlsen and Nazroo, 2000). As argued racism, whether openly hostile or lurking in institutional cultures and prac tices, limits the opportunities and life choices individuals make (Gilchrist and Kyprianou, 2011, p.7). Therefore, certain people of certain races or cultures may feel more comfortable remaining in communities unneurotic due to racist discrimination or prejudice and as a result may not seek invigorated life opportunities thus potentially remaining in poor socioeconomic circumstances as a result of this forced exclusion (Gilchrist and Kyprianou, 2011). Similarly, discrimination and racism may result in less support within education arenas and less opportunities to excel within employment circles (Gilchrist and Kyprianou, 2011). It has been recognised that unemployment has an impact on mental health (Meltzer et al, 1995). Findings from the Fourth National Survey identify that four fifths of Pakistani and Bangladesh respondents, two-fifths of Indian and Caribbean respondents and one third of Chinese had incomes lower than half the decided national average recognised as poverty (Karl sen and Nazroo, 2000). This compares to one in four white respondents. Thus, this may be the impact of racism, discrimination and disadvantage (Karlsen and Nazroo, 2000) Therefore there seems to be a deadly cycle whereby BME groups feel the impact of structural oppressions resulting in fewer opportunities to break away from factors which can lead to an increased risk of mental health problems, such as poverty. Therefore, arguably social exclusion, poverty and class could be reasons why there are higher levels of mental illness in some subcultures of South Asian women for example (Karlsen and Nazroo, 2000). The fact that communities stick together may result in further antagonism and segregation thus resulting in inappropriate support for mental health problems as outsiders may not want to intrude in these cultures they may take the attitude leave them to it which can be precise dangerous. Therefore a combination of factors including class and poverty can emphasise mental health i ssues.It seems that the role of racism as a risk factor for mental health is being ignored or at least undermined by the coalition government. Although the No Health Without Mental Health strategy acknowledges the need to consider causal factors for mental health, it appears to neglect to discuss the pertinent issue of racism/institutional racism which can be viewed as a hurriedness in response (Watson, 2011). Therefore, it neglects significant links between race and mental health. This is emphasised in its a call to action document, which does not include any BME organisations (Vernon, 2011).Stereotyping of different groups refers to the discrimination of groups based on views they are certain way. So, South Asian groups may be viewed as having lots of family support and not believe in mental illness. This can be dangerous as it may result in services neglecting to offer support to certain races or cultures. Therefore, it appears that some mental health professionals may inherit v iews regarding racial stereotypes (Fernando, 2004). Another common racist stereotype is that black men are dangerous which again impacts on diagnosis and treatment. A well known example is that of Rocky Bennett. He was killed in 2004 in a medium secure psychiatric unit subsequently being restrained by up to five nurses and an independent inquiry into this accepted that it was a result of institutional racism (Athwal, 2004). This is not a alone(predicate) incident and has been recognised as an issue across mental health services. A concern which is shared by many including Richard Stone (a member of the Bennett inquriy panel) and Errol Francis (a prospect on black mental health) is that cultural/racial awareness training will not reduce institutional abuse, it must be acknowledge and then the behaviour of the professionals and workers inescapably to change (Athwal, 2004). Once understood and acknowledged, progress can be made to tackle and understand causes (McKenzie, 2007). McKe nzie (2007) put forward concern that the importance of Delivering Race Equality would be undermined, which seems to have been the case in No Health without Mental Health as it does not seem to recognise the importance of racism as a risk factor for mental health and the impact it has on service responses (Watson, 2011). Watson (2011) argues that the impression given is that we are moving to a post-racial big society where state multiculturalism is expunged from British values and public consciousness Thus the link is being undermined and if this is the case it is unlikely changes will be made.Chantler et al (2002) undertook a ten month qualitative study with a group of South Asian women who are survivors of self harm or act suicide. It seems that survivors highlighted issues create mental distress including immigration status, poverty, and domestic violence in their accounts however an over focus on cultural sensitivity by professionals and form _or_ system of government makers m eans that these factors often goes unrecognised (Chantler et al, 2002). Also, important to note is that there does not seem to be much research into the fact that if people are seeking asylum, there is a possibility that their mental health needs may be higher as a result of their experiences prior to migration (Chantler, 2011). As a result of lack of recognition, inappropriate or a lack of support was offered by services. The researchers found that the survivors who had been seeking asylum mentioned policies such as the one year decree as causing them distress and oppression as it meant they were trapped (often in an abusive relationship) for a long period of time without a chance of hightail it (Chantler et al, 2001). As stated, current immigration legislation strips South Asian women of the legal and personal support available to white British female citizens (Chantler et al, 2002). The survivors identified that they mat these policies ensured that all power was given to the m an (Chantler et al, 2002). Policies implemented trying to overcome problems in services by employing South Asian workers needs to be looked into (Chantler et al, 2002). It seems that policy makers used cultural clashes as explanations as to why issues such as domestic violence, immigration issues and poverty were not highlighted (Chantler et al, 2002). Thus in models of mental health, factors such as immigration are neglected. Services claimed to be unable to meet their needs due to cultural conflict (Chantler et al, 2002).All but one of the survivors in the study had suffered domestic violence identifying the link between domestic violence, immigration status and suicide/self harm (Chantler, 2001). It is worth noting that refugees and asylum seekers may have experienced traumatic events before arriving in the UK such as war and poverty therefore they may have higher mental health needs because of their experiences this is not covered much in research and is something which may be beneficial in our understanding.Burman et al (2005) focuses primarily on domestic violence services with regards to African, African-Caribbean, South Asian, Jewish and Irish women, it became evident that culture was seen to be more important than dealing with domestic violence issues. Thus a focus on culture can be seen as an obstruction to offering the appropriate support (Burman, 2005). The study also identifies how other issues such as immigration policies continue asylum seeking women from being able to leave abusive relationships therefore this needs to considered more (Burman, 2005). racialised dimensions of such policies heightens their exclusionary effects. The outcome of these findings suggests that there needs to be new ways of supporting women from minoritised groups suffering domestic violence (Burman, 2005). Criticisms of study?It seems that in favour of culture, gender issues such as violence against women are often ignored in relation to minority ethnicities (Chantle r, 2002). Would this be the case if it were white women? What is interesting is that violence against women is considered a gender issue in relation to white women but is seen as a cultural issue in relation to South Asian women (Chantler et al, 2002). This is something which needs to be recognised and changed. Cultural factors need to be acknowledged to a degree and particularly in certain circumstances for example honour based violence, however it needs to be recognised that culture and race are not always at the forefront of issues. It is important to move away from a complete focus culture in many instances, and consider gender issues as well. Segregating women from minority groups from white women with regards to violence can lead to lack of support thus potentially resulting in self harm/attempted suicide amongst other issues, as a result of the mental distress. The research undertaken by Chantler et al (2001) and Burman (2005) highlight this.ConclusionAs a social worker it is important to recognise cultural differences and be open about culture so that interventions are not so difficult however, although being culturally aware is useful, it is impossible to recognise all factors as cultural as there are numerous different cultures which are constantly adapting. Also, as this essay has identified, an over focus on culture can be dangerous. It is important to be conscious of other risk/causal factors of mental health such as violence against women, class and immigration status. It is essential label or stereotype someone based on their race or culture but alternatively engage, empower and empathise with service users. As Chantlers 2001 study identified, regardless of a service users race or culture, they often just want someone to heed to them. Do not always presume it is about culture as policy has tended to do in recent years. It seems that a combination of structural, cultural and individual factors including gender, poverty and culture will enable a greater understanding of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes of mental health. Considering one without the other will limit understanding. Therefore, knowledge needs to be more nuanced. I am not undermining the importance of race and culture in relation to mental health and service responses, as I have acknowledged its importance in this essay. However, do not neglect other equally important factors.Also gender issues need to be considered for example domestic violence. Why is domestic violence considered cultural only when related to certain ethnicities e.g south Asian womenSOME violence crimes are specific to certain cultures for example honour based violence, trafficking (UMHDU, 2010)However, all ethnicities within the uk experience gender based violence not just certain ethnic groups and evidence suggests that violence and abuse cause mental health issues (UMHDU, 2010). However it is sometimes only seen as a gender issue when it is white women suffering abuse. Seen as a cultural i ssue when minority ethnic group.Maybe it isnt a cultural issue but a gender issueResearch by Chantler et al many women from different ethnicities dont mention culture/race in their study just mention abuse therefore maybe just need to consider this