Sunday, June 2, 2019

Teenage Drinking and Its Effects on the Development of Alcoholism Later

Teenage Drinking and Its Effects on the Development of Alcoholism LaterTeenage discombobulateing is something that goes on every day. No matter how many a(prenominal) videos you show to kids about drinking they will still drink. Surveys show that the average teen seventeen and up spends $475.00 a year on liquor, mostly beer thats more than than books, soda, coffee, juice and milk combined. Most parents dont know about teenage drinking unless they catch their kids doing it. Parents usually say oh, my my kid would never do that , and theyre the ones whose kids probably drink more that the average teen. One might ask, how do kids get alcohol? Alcohol is almost as easy to get as a cartonful of milk, except a teen has to get someone older like a friend, brother or even someone off of the street to leverage it. Another way underage teens get alcohol is a fake I.D. A lot of stores dont care, they just need to ask for an I.D. because they are being watched by security cameras. No matter what city your are in, one in every five stores will sell beer to a minor. If stores stop selling to minors they would lose a lot of business. Looking at the surveys I took at Lincoln on this topic it can been seen what teens think about teenage drinking. The results were portentous The first Question I asked was Have you ever drank alcohol? Of the students surveyed, 16% said no and 84% said yes. The second question was, How often do you drink? The results were on the average three to four drinks a week. The third question was, How much do you usually drink? The average number of beers was octad and the average number of shots was seven. The fourth question was, Have you ever drank alcohol before driving and 68% said yes One of the last questions I asked was, What would you do if you killed someone drinking and driving? The majority replied that they could not live with themselves. Just through talking to lot and going to parties, I have seen most people drink to get drunk, not many people drink just a drink or two. Many students dont feel that drinking is a abuse because they are not hurting any one unless they are driving drunk. Drinking is a crime and there are many penalties for the teen who chooses to work shift the law. For a first time offender a teen would be taken to jail , finger printed, and photographed. At the time of arrest, if drunk, one could be taken to detoxification (detox) ... ...His mother is a recovering alcoholic so he was familiar with what happened when he would lose control when he drank. His mother was very aware of the signs. His grades went down, he started skipping classes, he lied to his mother, he was hanging out with friends who drank a lot and were always in trouble. Fortunately, he was given a second chance and he is in a program that is helping him recover. Teen drinking and alcoholism can be treated if treatment is started early. in that location is no known remediation for alcoholism, but alcoholics can lead prod uctive lives with help. There are many organizations that can help alcoholics such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). and Rational Recovery Systems. There are also organizations that promote abstinence from drinking such as S.A.D.D. (Students Against Drunk Driving) and M.A.D.D. (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). It is important for parents to be aware of what their children are doing and who their friends are. Teenagers need to conserve to be educated on the effects of alcohol and the dangerous situations it causes. Sources 1. 1994 Monitoring the Future survey 2. Class notes Bibliography 1. 1994 Monitoring the Future survey 2. Class notes

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