Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of the Internet on a Small Business Research Paper

Impact of the Internet on a Small Business - Research Paper Example Today a business without the use of the computing power of a computer, or the use of the internet, is sure to be left behind and age very quickly. Competition in the business world is fierce and business is all about marketing and who can reach the consumer first. Today’s computers and internet play a vital role in accomplishing this task. It is impossible for modern business groups to think about a world without internet at present. This was not the case a mere twenty years ago when the internet was in its infancy. Irrespective of large scale, medium scale or small scale, all types of businesses are highly dependent on internet related technologies in today’s perspectives. Through the internet, a business of any size can compete in the global marketplace. In fact, on the internet, the size of an organization's operation makes little difference because the internet is an open environment. Similar companies compete against one another while being only a click of the mous e away. In other words, a buyer can locate numerous sellers offering similar merchandise, similar prices and similar offers in a very short time period. As more people and businesses become comfortable with the internet, the marketing landscape will continue to evolve quickly in the coming years (The Influence of Internet on Modern Business, 2009). The arrival of internet related technologies helped small scale industries immensely. The internet lent a hand in small companies competing on a global level. This also factored in a small business growing into great proportions at incredible speeds never experienced in history ever before. Many of the traditional business concepts were given way for internet related business strategies because of the arrival of computers and internet. For example, internet helped the business world to convert many of the offline market spaces into online market spaces. Moreover, outsourcing, off shoring like modern business principles were evolved out be cause of the developments in internet related technologies. Since a company could outsource, so easy is it to have its down fall, on many Americans who loose there job to overseas areas that had cheaper labour and less taxes. We can see this with a majority of companies at a minimum outsourcing their phone tech support. Many of these companies have tech support online twenty four hours a day and three hundred sixty five days a year. Advertising is another in which internet helps small scale industries immensely. Social networks are used extensively by the businesses for marketing and advertising purposes. This can be seen by looking at any internet search engine today from Google, Yahoo, or any other of the one hundred and seventy search engines available. If you go to any search engine like Google or MSN you will see advertisements on the right hand side, or on top of the page. These are seen by millions of people today. These ads are cheap and easy to acquire to the point where an y person or business can advertise for pennies on the click. At the same time, internet has the potential to affect small businesses in a negative way too. For example, internet helped globalization in many ways, but it also lent way to sites like Angie’s list to see if the business is reputable or garbage. It should be noted that globalization helped corporate companies to expand their business all over the world. The intrusion of corporate compani

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