Thursday, September 26, 2019

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Response paper - Essay Example Then it is necessary to believe that it was compiled in the period when Jesus' disciples were alive. The mention of a murder in a temple that was found common in both Mathew and Luke indicates that the earlier version of "Q" was compiled after that, i.e. after the winter of 67/68. The usage of things in "Q" source by Mathew and Luke states that a Greek version of the text was also available before them. The most accepted form about the existence of "Q" is two-source hypothesis which was proposed by modern thinkers like Tuckett, Taylor (1953, 1959). This argument might have come from the fact that the composition of "Q" happened in different times and by different people. The first source can be considered as the earliest and the second source being the latest. The proclamations of judgment at the beginning and end of the document were directed against Israel. The usage of Greek in the source suggests that it can be the work of Galilean followers of Jesus. But there is a chance of Greek Diaspora outside the Galilean area contributing to text in "Q" like Paul who persecuted the Church with his Greek synagogues. This again confirms the time of compilation of the "Q" to the time of aftermath of winter of 67/68. ... 2. In what ways does God spell evoke the "silent film" era What might be its purpose for doing this Answer: The God spell evoked the "silent film" era in a manner of establishing the Jesus' command and divine authority. As the films were silent or narrated by background voice, the teachings and scriptures were minimized and the characterization of the Jesus as divine authority and his ascension to right hand of God was considered as the motto of the films. In doing so it reestablished the proclamation of divine authority than the scriptures and gospel. In silent film era more dramatization was required to exhibit the divineness of Jesus as there was very less chance of conversation. Though there was a conversation, it might present in the form of dialogues appearing on screen or a narration on backdrop. So the dramatization of events and the miracles used to play a major and key role in establishing the divineness of Jesus. The baptism of Jesus by John, the miracles of Christ, his crucification, resurrection, ascension come to the people in different ways in different era of the cinema. The God spell takes us to the dramatic and spiritual form of Jesus rather than historical Jesus in the latest films. In this manner it evokes our imagination about Jesus which can be compared with the sort of imagination that was formed in the minds of people by Jesus films in silent era. For instance in silent era more angles, more miracles, less gospel were used to fill the movie. As the time passes by the angles number decreased in the movies and the importance of scriptures increased there by. Though in God spell the singing of scriptures takes place, the importance was given for metaphoric baptism and for ascension

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