Friday, October 11, 2019

Mahatma Gandhi

One of the greatest men in the history of India is unarguably Mahatma Gandhi . He sacrificed his own life for the sake of his country. The respect that he earned for himself despite leading a simple lifestyle is much appreciable. Mahatma Gandhi played a vital role in the freedom struggle of India. His non violent ways and peaceful methods were the foundation for gaining independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2nd October at Porbandar located in Gujarat His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi He went off to South Africa after marriage and worked as barrister there for twenty years. Once while he was traveling in a train, he was thrown out of the first class compartment despite having a ticket. This made him swear that he would do his best to erase apartheid from the face of his world. He went back to India only to find that his own country was being ruled by the British and his fellow citizens were being treated harshly by British. Non Co-operation Movement One of the first series of non violent protests nationwide was the non cooperation movement started by Mahatma Gandh. In this freedom struggle, the non cooperation movement was basically aimed at making the Indians aware of the fact that the British government can be opposed and if done actively, it will keep a check on them. Thus, educational institutions were boycotted, foreign goods were boycotted, and people let go off their nominated seats in government institutions. Though the movement failed, Indians awakened to the concept of going against the British. Civil Disobedience Movement Gandhi again took off with another non violent movement known as the civil disobedience movement. This movement was more active than the non cooperation movement and brought about a revolution of sorts. This movement aimed at bringing the British administration to a stop by withdrawing support from everything. There was agitation against land revenue, abolition of salt tax, cutting down military expenditure, levying duty on foreign cloth, etc. A very important movement was that of Salt Satyagraha where Gandhi undertook the Dandi march as a protest against the Salt tax.

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