Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hamlet As A Tragic Hero - 1305 Words

Sympathy is a feeling of sorrow, pity, or understanding of someone else’s misfortune. Hamlet, in this case, is the tragic hero due to many different sources that cause the reader to have an immense amount of sympathy for him. A series of events such as murder, failed relationships, and all the madness, created the feeling of sympathy from the audience. These specific sources cause the reader to see the development of the overall themes of deceit, justice, and revenge. Deceit is one of the main themes presented throughout the play starting from the beginning, when Hamlet’s father comes back in the form of a ghost to tell him how they were both betrayed by Claudius. Old Hamlet tells his son about how Claudius, his brother, killed him†¦show more content†¦It can mean the act of cheating on one s spouse or it can mean any kind of other sexual sin, including incest. Whether she cheated on him or not, the marriage is seen as a betrayal to the Old Hamlet, as she marri ed so soon after his death. Another example of deceit throughout the play that creates sympathy for Hamlet is the tragic events involving love interest, Ophelia. Polonius, her father, deceived her into believing she wasn’t good enough for Hamlet and forced her to stop writing him. Ophelia seemed to be his only source of happiness and was ultimately taken away from him due to the lies and deceit of her father. The combination of deceit throughout the play creates an incredible amount of sympathy from the audience. The theme of revenge is triggered from the theme of deceit, for Hamlet’s taking of revenge occurred after the disastrous events that formed in the earlier acts of the play. The ghost of Old Hamlet says, â€Å"I am thy father s spirit, doom d for a certain term to walk the night and for the day confined to fast in fires till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away. But that I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison-house, I could a tale unfold whose lightest word would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood, make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres, thy knotted and combinà ¨d locks to part, and each particularShow MoreRelatedHamlet As A Tragic Hero850 Words   |  4 Pagesas a hero if they revenge? Well In the novel Hamlet the author, William Shakespeare creates tragic events where his main character Hamlet has to overcome to achieve his goal of killing his evil uncle Claudius. â€Å"In life one has to do bad thing in order to be a hero,the hero also has to make sacrifices in order to be successful† (John Barrowman). In Shakespeare Hamlet, should hamlet be considered a tragic hero judging by him following the hero steps. Shakespeare proves that Hamlet was a tragic heroRead MoreHamlet, A Tragic Hero1003 Words   |  5 Pagesmemorable tragic hero’s Hamlet is the definition of a tragic hero. In the book, Hamlet, Shakespeare’s character hamlet is determined on killin g his uncle the king. This goal proves to be challenging to him due to his morals. He often struggles with this throughout the book. This proves to be his downfall for not deciding to kill the king until the very end. A tragic hero has to have a fatal flaw that, combined with fate, brings tragedy. This is one of the key characteristics of a tragic hero. He hadRead MoreHamlet As A Tragic Hero1071 Words   |  5 Pages Hamlet as a Tragic Hero The Webster dictionary defines tragedy as, â€Å"a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.† (Webster Dictionary) So a tragic hero is a character who goes through a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a direct result of his choices. You will see throughout this story that the character Hamlet is a clear example of Shakespeare’s tragic hero. ShakespeareRead MoreHamlet : A Tragic Hero995 Words   |  4 PagesHamlet: A Tragic Hero William Shakespeare is known through the ages as a brilliant playwright. He has written several comedies and tragedies that people have loved through decades. Shakespeare’s plays have been interpreted in many different ways and have been debated on which interpretation is correct. Some of these included even the basis of the character’s persona. In the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet, the main protagonist, Prince Hamlet, is fated by the ghost of his late father that, becauseRead MoreHamlet as a Tragic Hero2505 Words   |  11 Pagesterror. A tragic hero, therefore, is the character who experiences such a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a result of his choices and related actions. The character of Hamlet is a clear representation of Shakespeares tragic hero, as he possesses all the necessary characteristics of such a hero. Hamlet is seen as a tragic hero as he has doomed others because of a serious error in judgment, also Hamlet is responsible for his own fat e and Hamlet has been endowed with a tragic flaw. TheseRead MoreHamlet; Tragic Hero3618 Words   |  15 Pages Hamlet; The Tragic Hero            Ã‚  Ã‚      In many plays there is always one person that is the tragic hero. They always possess some type of tragic flaw that in turn leads to their tragic deaths. In the Shakespearean play Hamlet the main character Hamlet is considered to be a tragic hero. By carefully analyzing the Shakespearean play Hamlet one can debate whether the main character Hamlet is a tragic hero. Although it is debatable whether or not Hamlet is a tragic hero, one wouldRead MoreIs Hamlet A Tragic Hero Essay961 Words   |  4 PagesTo be, or not to be: a hero. That is the question often asked of William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet: whether Hamlet II, Prince of Denmark, can be considered a hero. Throughout the play Hamlet proves himself to be a hero, although different from the usual sense of one. Hamlet is a tragic hero, â€Å"a great or virtuous character . . . who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat . . . who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw tha t, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedyRead MoreHamlet As The Tragic Hero Of The Play Hamlet 1314 Words   |  6 PagesIn order to better understand Hamlet one must first asses, and define man. According to webster dictionary a man is a male often having the qualities associated with bravery,script or toughness(site webster dictionary www.define a here). We know the male figure is known to exhibit distinctive male traits such as strength, dignity, courage and be a provider and supporter. As seen in Hamlet one must understand the male figure to better understand Hamlet and why the male behave in such waysRead MoreHamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays697 Words   |  3 Pagestragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most popular and greatest tragedy, presents his genius as a playwright and includes many numbers of themes and literary techniques. In all tragedies, the main character, called a tragic hero, suffers and usually dies at the end. Prince Hamlet is a m odel example of a Shakespearean tragic hero. Every tragedy must have a tragic hero. A tragic hero must own many good traits, but has a flaw that ultimately leads to his downfall. If not for this tragic flaw, the hero would beRead More Hamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays873 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"A tragic flaw is an error or defect in the tragic hero that leads to his downfall.† ( In the history of literature, if the question of who was the most indecisive character was brought up, Hamlet would be a prime candidate. Hamlet had numerous chances to reap revenge for his father’s death but was only able to follow through after the accidental murder of his mother. Hamlet’s inability to make a decision ultimately leads to his demise

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